Research Prime

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) for Computational Medical Genomics

Organisation Name: ETH Zurich
Organisation Type:
Country: Switzerland

Job Description:

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) for Computational Medical Genomics

The De­part­ment of Bio­sys­tems Sci­ence and En­gi­nee­ring (D-​BSSE) (­ at ETH Zu­rich in­vi­tes ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons for the above-​mentioned po­si­ti­on. D-​BSSE is lo­ca­ted in Ba­sel, pro­vi­ding ex­cel­lent op­por­tu­nities for col­la­bo­ra­ti­on wit­hin this strong life sci­ence re­se­arch com­mu­ni­ty at the aca­de­mic, cli­ni­cal and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try le­vels. The main re­se­arch fo­cus of the De­part­ment is the un­der­stan­ding, mo­de­ling, and en­gi­nee­ring of sys­tems for bio­me­di­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. The pro­fes­sor­ship will al­so be em­bed­ded wit­hin the new­ly es­tab­lished Bot­nar Re­se­arch Cent­re for Child Health (BRCCH) (ex­ter­ne Sei­, which aims to pro­vi­de in­no­va­ti­ve and trans­la­tio­nal so­lu­ti­ons for child and ado­le­s­cent health. Col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons wit­hin the me­di­cal re­se­arch com­mu­nities in Ba­sel and Zu­rich are high­ly en­cou­ra­ged.

The fu­ture As­si­stant Pro­fes­sor is ex­pec­ted to de­ve­lop a strong and vi­si­ble re­se­arch pro­gram in the area of me­thods and tools de­ve­lo­p­ment in com­pu­ta­tio­nal bio­lo­gy and bio­in­for­ma­tics for me­di­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons. A can­di­da­te ca­pa­ble of ad­van­cing sta­tis­ti­cal and com­pu­ta­tio­nal mo­de­ling of ge­no­mics da­ta and trans­la­ting mo­dels, me­thods, and fin­dings in­to cli­ni­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons is sought. Pos­si­ble re­se­arch to­pics in­clu­de, but are not li­mi­ted to, com­pu­ta­tio­nal ge­no­mics and multi-​omics da­ta in­te­gra­ti­on, hu­man ge­no­mics and ra­re di­sea­ses, me­di­cal ge­no­mics in cli­ni­cal tri­als, and com­pu­ta­tio­nal ge­no­mics for ad­van­ced the­ra­pies. The can­di­da­te should have a Ph.D. de­gree in Com­pu­ta­tio­nal Bio­lo­gy, Me­di­cal Ge­no­mics, Com­pu­ta­tio­nal Sci­ence, Da­ta Sci­ence, or re­la­ted disci­pli­nes, and de­mons­tra­ted evi­den­ce of the abi­li­ty to de­ve­lop no­vel sta­tis­ti­cal and ma­chi­ne lear­ning me­thods for ge­no­mic da­ta­sets. Fur­ther, a strong pu­bli­ca­ti­on re­cord re­flec­ting in­no­va­ti­ve, in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry, trans­la­tio­nal, and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve ap­proa­ches to im­portant pro­blems re­la­ted to me­di­cal ge­no­mics is ex­pec­ted. She or he should de­mons­tra­te a strong in­te­rest in cli­ni­cal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons and a cle­ar am­bi­ti­on to pur­sue re­se­arch that is di­rect­ly re­le­vant to child­hood health and me­di­ci­ne. At the as­si­stant pro­fes­sor le­vel, com­mit­ment to tea­ching and the abi­li­ty to lead a re­se­arch group are ex­pec­ted.

As­si­stant pro­fes­sor­ships have be­en es­tab­lished to pro­mo­te the ca­re­ers of youn­ger sci­en­tists. ETH Zu­rich im­ple­ments a ten­ure track sys­tem equi­va­lent to that of other top in­ter­na­tio­nal uni­ver­si­ties.

ETH Zu­rich is an equal op­por­tu­ni­ty and family-​friendly em­ploy­er, va­lues di­ver­si­ty, and is re­spon­si­ve to the needs of dual-​career cou­ples.

Plea­se ap­p­ly on­line

Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons should in­clu­de a cur­ri­cu­lum vi­tae, a list of pu­bli­ca­ti­ons, a state­ment of fu­ture re­se­arch and tea­ching in­te­rests, a de­scrip­ti­on of the lea­der­ship phi­lo­so­phy, a de­scrip­ti­on of the th­ree most im­portant achie­vements*, and a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of the hig­h­est de­gree. The let­ter of ap­p­li­ca­ti­on should be ad­dres­sed to the Pre­si­dent of ETH Zu­rich, Prof. Dr. Joël Me­sot. The clo­sing date for ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons is 31 Oc­to­ber 2023.

*ETH Zurich attaches great importance to a qualitative assessment of academic performance. With this in mind, you are asked to attach a brief description of your three most important achievements to the documents (maximum half a page each). In addition to research results, these can also include special achievements in teaching and its further development, services for the benefit of the academic community or society, software developments, patents, knowledge and practice transfer, spinoffs and the like.

Please note: All documents must be submitted in English.

Posting Date: Oct 31, 2023
Closing Date:
Organisation Website/Careers Page:

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